Lynda Courses Experiencing Rapid Growth

Have you taken advantage of the thousands of free online courses available to UNSW staff and students at

7415 UNSW staff and students have signed up for their free accounts. Together we’ve watched 306801 videos, for a total of 21152 hours of videos viewed. Lynda doesn’t just provide videos, they offer short courses with exams and accreditation, and so far 3324 of these courses have been completed. 

It’s just another way we’re providing support and education to staff and students at UNSW Australia.

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Identity Management Foundation Project Update


Project update

The IdAM Foundation project has been busy completing a series of System Owner and General Awareness face to face communication briefing sessions during June and July to over 100 stakeholders across UNSW. These sessions were well received and summarised key changes resulting from the project as well provided stakeholders with information for them to assess and make necessary changes to manage impacts in their area. You can find a copy of the General Awareness presentation on the IdAM Foundation project site.

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Graduate Research Information System Launched

The Graduate Research Information System (GRIS) successfully went live on Friday, July 1. Around 80 staff attended GRS’s pre-Go Live demonstration sessions in Sydney last week and in Canberra the previous week, and as of yesterday, 119 users have logged in to GRIS, including sessions from as far afield as Germany, Slovenia, Serbia and Taiwan! So far 16 variation to candidature requests have been lodged by candidates and GRS have routed 19 admission applications to Schools for assessment. Continue reading